Silicon Valley Healthy Aging Partnership

Falls Prevention Tips
For the Home
Be sure to have good lighting both inside and outside.
Use night lights and flashlights.
Have handrails on both sides of staircases.
Keep walkways clear of clutter.
Be sure that all carpets are secure and if possible, do not use throw rugs.
Have grab bars in bathrooms.
Use non-slip mats on all wet surfaces.
Avoid having bed covers that are too long an can be tripped over.
Have all cords and wires secure.
Do not put things on shelves that you cannot reach.
Wipe up wet spills as soon as they occur.
Have a phone near your bed.
Keep a cell phone with you as you move about your home.
Do not try to carry too much at one time.
Let the phone ring…do not rush to answer.
Read warnings and side effects of all medications.
Do not share medications.
Do not start or stop taking medications without notifying your doctor.
Over the counter medications can have side effects as well. Be sure to notify your doctor if you are taking over the counter medications as well as herbals and vitamins.
To avoid confusion, keep all medication stored in the container that it came in.
Alcohol can interact with medications. It can make you dizzy and lead you to a fall.
Vision and Hearing
Poor vision can increase your chance of falling.
Get your eyes checked annually.
Be cautious if you wear bifocals. They can distort vision while going down stairs.
Wear your glasses and be sure that they are the correct prescription.
Physical Activity: Exercise is the ONLY risk factor that by itself can dramatically reduce the risk of falls.
(Before starting any exercise program, be sure to check with your doctor.)
Walk more
Keep your muscles strong.
Perform simple exercises.
Choose something active that you enjoy! Gardening, bowling, golf, walking…anything active that you are motivated to continue doing!
Additional resources for physical activity include:
Go For Life: Lists simple exercises with descriptions and photos.